Florian Klimm

Current funding

My current research is supported by the Max Planck Foundation and the Joachim Herz Foundation.

Funding DPhil Project

My DPhil project was sponsored by the EPSRC and MRC through grant number EP/L016044/1. I am grateful for further contribution by the Oxford-based network pharmacology company e-Therapeutics.

Former funding

During earlier studies & research I got direct funding from various ressources, including the German-American Fulbright Fundation, Novo Nordisk, the University of California Study Abroad Program (UCEAP), the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), as well as the European Commision through the Leonardo programme. Through my supervisors I received further funding from the EPSRC and the National Science Foundation.

Travel Funding

Throughout the years I received travel grants from various organisations and conferences, including the MBI Ohio, the American Mathematical Society, Kellogg College, and the MPI Dresden.