Florian Klimm

Senior Computational Biologist
Novo Nordisk Research Centre Oxford
Innovation Building
Old Road Campus
University of Oxford

My research interests are the application of network theory and other mathematical & computational methods on real world data sets, especially in the context of systems biology. More specific research topics include

  • network topology and analysis
  • community detection & statistical inference in networks
  • multilayer networks for integrative data analysis
  • computational neuroscience
  • topological data analysis (e.g., persistent homology)
  • protein interaction networks
  • single-cell transcriptomics
  • mitochondrial biology & diseases
Currently, I am member of the Systems Biology & Target Discovery Department (led by Robert Kitchen) at the Novo Nordisk Research Centre at the University of Oxford, where I research on the use of graph-based machine learning and functional genomics for drug-target discovery. At the same time, I am remaining a visiting scholar at the Max-Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics in Berlin.

Before, I held postdoctoral positions at the Max-Planck Institute for Molecuar Genetics (with Martin Vingron), Imperial College London (with Nick Jones), at the University of Cambridge (with Patrick Chinnery), and the University of Oxford (with Gesine Reinert and Charlotte Deane).

In 2018, I received a DPhil (PhD) in Systems Approaches to Biomedical Sciences from the University of Oxford. During my doctoral studies, I was supervised by Mason Porter (UCLA), Charlotte Deane (Statistics, University Oxford), Jonny Wray (e-Therapeutics), and Philip Maini (Mathematics, University of Oxford).

Before that, I studied physics at the Humboldt University of Berlin and as a Fulbright Scholar at the University of California at Santa Barbara, where I researched under the supervision of Danielle Bassett and Peter Mucha.

Email: f.klimm@gmail.com

News or updates:

  • 2023-01-03: I returned to Oxford to work at the Novo Nordisk Research Centre!
  • 2021-11-01: I am very grateful to be supported by the Joachim Herz Foundation as an Add-on Fellow for Interdisciplinary Life Sciences!
  • 2021-10-01: Today is my first day in the group of Martin Vingron at the MPI for Molecular Genetics in Berlin!
  • 2020-11-04: The Virtual Reality experience from our exhibition on Dimension in the Ashmolean is now available on GitHub. Feel free to explore and adapt!
  • 2019-09-26: Our submission received a "Surgery Fellow Award" from the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. Congratulations to lead author Niall! [link to AASLD]
  • 2019-09-05: Our poster on the integration of single-cell RNA sequencing with protein interaction networks received the "Best Poster Award" at the Cambridge Network Day! [link to poster]
  • 2019-08-28: I am very excited to be joining Imperial College and Cambridge University this October as a Research Associate. I will be researching in the groups of Nick Jones and Patrick Chinnery.
  • 2019-07-10: Our `Dimension' exhbition in the Ashmolean, which was led by Joshua Bull was Highly Commended in Oxford's `The Vice-Chancellor's Public Engagement with Research Awards 2019'. Congrats Josh! [Link]
  • 2019-03-05: The `Dimension` exhibition in the Ashmolean, which I supported with VR design and programming is now open. [Link]
  • 2018-10-05: I am very honoured that the Mathematical Institute decided to make me an `Award for Contributions to the Department'.
  • 2018-06-26: Very excited, that I will be joining Christ Church as a Stipendiary Lecturer in Mathematics!
  • 2018-05-11: I received an `EPSRC Doctoral Prize`. This allows me to stay in Oxford as a Postdoc after my DPhil.


Academic CV (14/10/2024)